Postoperative Information

If you need a medication refill after surgery, remember to call or have the pharmacy call the office number. Please remember, narcotic refills cannot be prescribed after hours by the on-call physician and require a hand-signed prescription.

For any concerns following surgery, please call (203) 337-2600. For urgent concerns after business hours, please call (203) 337-2600 and the on-call physician will be paged.

Notify your physician if you have:

  • Fever
  • Prolonged numbness and tingling for more than 24 hours following surgery
  • Prolonged tingling
  • Increased pain, not managed by medication
  • Increased swelling
  • Excessive draining from wound
  • Decreased motion, greater than expected around the dressing

If you have any of these symptoms, your doctor may need to see you.