The Orthopaedic Specialty Group Educational Foundation was founded as a 501 (c)3 public charity to foster humanitarian outreach and education related to musculoskeletal care at home and abroad. Our mission is to promote education and volunteerism in the deliverance of care to the underserved and uninsured regardless of religious, cultural or socioeconomic status.
Members of Orthopaedic Specialty Group have previously enjoyed the life and career altering experience of participating in medical missions. Our doctors, nurses and therapists have traveled to many underserved areas performing advanced musculoskeletal procedures for patients who would otherwise not have access to care. These volunteers have learned invaluable lessons in treatment modalities and taken back to their daily practice a renewed sense of self-worth and global awareness, making them better healthcare providers, professionals and most importantly better people. One goal of the foundation is to financially afford the travel expenses and lodging required of medical missions.
Orthopaedic Specialty Group’s state of the art facility in Fairfield includes space for a learning center. We currently do cadaver teaching in this center and plan to expand this capability to conduct programs for our staff and area physicians on a regular basis. There is no better way to foster excellent health care delivery than to make available continuing educational opportunities and hands on learning. This translates into delivering exceptional care to patients in our community.
Through our Educational Foundation we offer several scholarships on an annual basis. These scholarships are for students and allied health professionals pursuing post-secondary training in a musculoskeletal field.
This year we will be OSG’s 13th Annual Charity Golf Outing.
Please Click Here for more information.
It is my sincere desire to enable those in our community who want to give back something of themselves to do so at home or abroad. The personal reward and growth in doing a medical mission is indescribable. To help facilitate educating colleagues and staff in the developing technology of musculoskeletal care is an honor and responsibility. This better enables us to offer these advances to our patients here at Orthopaedic Specialty Group.
The future of our specialty lies in the students of today and it is our job to encourage them to look for new solutions and techniques to our unsolved musculoskeletal problems.
With your donation we can accomplish these goals and make our global community a better place.
Thank you,
Henry A. Backe, Jr., MD