
Tips For a Safe Halloween

Posted on October 29th, 2020 by ferociousdigital

Halloween is almost here! Are you ready? 

While everyone is getting excited about the candy, costumes, pumpkins, and spooky decorations, it’s essential to be ready for the unexpected. Halloween is a fun holiday that everyone can enjoy, but make sure you are doing your part to make it safe for you and those around you.

These tips are here to help make this Halloween a safe and fun experience for all to enjoy: 


Make sure your costumes are ready to go and will keep you safe this Halloween:

  • Wear bright reflective costumes – Wear clothes with bright colors or consider adding reflective tape to the costume and trick-or-treat bags for added visibility.
  • Wear properly fitting shoes – Avoid tripping or injury by ensuring the shoes you wear fit properly and are comfortable.
  • Avoid sharp or dangerous accessories – Your child and others can be easily hurt by swords, canes, sticks, or other accessories. Make sure they aren’t sharp and can’t hurt anyone.
  • Look for “flame-resistant” on the costume labels – There are plenty of candles and fires used on Halloween. Look for costumes, accessories, and wigs that clearly say they are fire-resistant in case of an emergency.
  • Use non-toxic makeup – Pay attention to toxic ingredients found in makeup. It is best to test any makeup on a small skin area before applying for the big day.


Halloween can be dangerous, with so many people walking around, meeting strangers, and the sun setting early. While you’re out and about trick-or-treating this year, utilize these tips to ensure you, your child, and the people around you are safe at all times:

  • Accompany your children – Don’t let your young kids go trick-or-treating without adult supervision. If you have older children that want to go alone, review an appropriate route with them, and set a reasonable end time. 
  • Stay in groups – No matter your age, never go alone, and always stay with your group.
  • Never go inside a stranger’s house or car – Even if the stranger says the candy is in their home or their car, never go inside. 
  • Only go to homes with a porch light – Don’t be in the dark outside a stranger’s home. Go to houses with porch lights so you can always be seen and you can see your surroundings.
  • Carry a flashlight – Be prepared for when the sun sets and carry a flashlight so you can always be visible.
  • Watch out for cars – Stay on the sidewalks as much as possible and look both ways before crossing the road.


Are you the one staying at home handing out the candy? These tips are for you: 

  • Check your outdoor lights – Make sure your lights are on for trick-or-treaters and replace any bulbs that are burnt out.
  • Remove any tripping hazards – Keep the walkway, porch, and steps free of any tripping hazards such as hoses, toys, bikes, decorations, and more so no one will accidentally trip and get hurt.
  • Sweep wet leaves off of your sidewalks and steps – Another hazard, wet leaves, can cause someone to slip and fall, so help out by sweeping them out of the way.
  • Restrain your pets – Keep your pets away from trick-or-treaters so they can’t bite or jump on anyone. You also never know if someone is allergic or scared of your pet!

And most importantly, remember to wear your mask and social distance from others. 

Happy Halloween!

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