
Exploring The Future of Augmented Reality in Orthopaedics with Dr. Dreisman

Posted on September 29th, 2023 by ferociousdigital

Does Augmented Reality Have the Potential to Advance Orthopaedic Surgery?

Dr. Adam Driesman, MD, of the Orthopaedic Specialty Group, recently attended a private single surgeon course, gaining exposure to augmented reality total knee replacement. Augmented reality superimposes digital content onto a user’s view of the real world utilizing wearable glasses. This allows surgeons the ability to see and follow operative plans projected onto the lens, allowing for more precise ligament tension and bone removal. 

With the addition of a 3-dimensional CT scan preoperatively, physicians can recreate the perfect location, size, and angulation of the components, specifically designed just for your knee. This technology is in early development and only has been implemented in a few centers around the country.

Dr. Driesman spent a day in the operating room with Dr. John Mercuri, who has performed the most augmented reality knee replacements in the United States with around 50 patients to date. When testing this technology, Dr. Driesman was able to see a digital display to let him view the patient’s knee and surgical plan so that the 3-D model of the leg projected a diagram of the planned cuts. While not frequently utilized at this time, Dr. Driesman believes there is immense potential to result in better-functioning knee implants.

Looking to learn more and see if this new technology could help you? Schedule an appointment with Dr. Driesman!

Please schedule an appointment with Dr. Driesman or any physicians at the OSG Joint Center to discuss enabling technologies and if they could be a good option for your situation.