
Common Spring Sport Injuries

Posted on March 15th, 2019 by ferociousdigital

As spring rolls around, there are a new series of sports for us to get excited about. Along with these new athletic opportunities come a few common injuries. While we can train and prepare ahead of time to avoid getting hurt, sometimes spring sports injuries are inevitable.

Overuse Injuries

Many sports such as baseball, softball and tennis, have particular movements that are extremely repetitive in nature. For instance, a baseball or softball pitcher can put an extreme amount of stress on their arm. Even golfers need to be aware of overuse injuries.

Tennis players repeat the same motion every time they serve, and also strike the ball hundreds of times during a match. These types of repetitive movements cause what are termed overuse injuries and can lead to more serious injuries if not treated.

Strains and Sprains

Overuse injuries such as tennis elbow, are common spring sports injuries brought to the attention of orthopedists. One of the symptoms of overuse is a weakening of the joint. When this occurs, we become prone to more serious injuries beyond just soreness. The weakened joint, tendons and muscle structure, is more susceptible to strains and sprains.

This is one key reason why sufficient rest between games, matches and even training sessions, is critical. Once players reach a point where overuse is a problem, it can be no time before we have a far more serious injury such as a strain.

Orthopedic physicians frequently treat injuries such as strains, which most likely began as overuse. These types of common spring sports injuries are also attributed to the unnatural strain certain motions place on various joints in our bodies. Pitchers, for instance, are more likely to strain their sholders and elbows.

Other Common Spring Sports Injuries

Overuse and eventual strains or sprains are the most common injuries related to spring sports. There are other injuries, some more serious than others, which can create lingering problems when not treated properly. Here’s a list of a few of these types of injuries

  • Concussions – While not as prevalent in non-contact sports, concussions still occur. For instance, a baseball and softball players can be involved in collisions.
  • Bone bruise and contusions – Baseball and softball players are prone to these types of injuries. Collisions can cause bone and muscle injuries, even fractures, but being struck by the ball is a more common event.
  • Back injuries – Events like high jumping and pole vaulting are track and field events where back injuries occur. Baseball and softball hitters can also injure their backs from the sheer force exerted by swinging at a pitch. While not as common as some injuries, spring athletes should still be aware of and try to prevent back injuries.

These are just some of the more common injuries associated with spring sports. Always keep in mind, a good training regimen is the first phase towards helping to prevent and reduce the risk of all types of sports injuries. However, some injuries are unavoidable no matter how hard we try. When we do get injured, the next step is to consult with a professional.